How to Screenshot on Mac

A screenshot is an image of what is currently on your screen. This can be useful if you want to show someone what you are seeing on your display, save something for later, or document an error message. There are different ways to take a screenshot on a Mac, depending on what version of macOS you are running and what you want to capture. Here are some basic instructions for how to screenshot on a Mac.

The different ways to take screenshots on Mac

There are a few different ways that you can take screenshots on Mac. The first way is to use the Keyboard shortcuts. To do this, you will need to press the “Command + Shift + 3” keys at the same time. This will take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it as a PNG file on your desktop.

If you only want to take a screenshot of a portion of your screen, you can use the “Command + Shift + 4” keyboard shortcut. This will bring up a crosshair cursor that you can use to select the area of your screen that you want to capture. Once you have selected the area, release the keys and it will take the screenshot and save it as a PNG file on your desktop.

Another way to take screenshots on Mac is by using the Grab utility application. You can find this application in your Applications folder. To use Grab, open the application and then go to the File menu and select New Screen Shot from there. You will then be able to choose whether you want to take a screenshot of your entire screen or just a portion of it. Once you have made your selection, click on the Capture button and it will take the screenshot and save it as a TIFF file on your desktop.

The last way that you can take screenshots on Mac is by using third-party applications such as Skitch or Snagit. These applications provide more features than just taking screenshots and can be very

Pros and cons of each method

There are several different ways to screenshot on a Mac, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first method is to use the built-in screenshot tool. This is the simplest way to take a screenshot, and it doesn’t require any additional software. However, it only allows you to take screenshots of the entire screen or an active window.

The second method is to use third-party software such as Snagit or Skitch. These programs offer more flexibility than the built-in tool, allowing you to capture specific areas of the screen or even record video. However, they can be more expensive and complicated to use.

The third method is to use the command line. This is a more technical approach, but it gives you complete control over how your screenshots are taken. However, it requires more knowledge of the operating system and can be difficult for beginners.

Which method you choose depends on your needs and preferences. If you just want a simple way to take screenshots, the built-in tool will suffice. If you need more advanced features, third-party software may be worth the investment. And if you’re comfortable with using the command line, that’s another option worth exploring.

How to choose the right screenshot tool for you

If you’re a Mac user, you probably know that there are built-in screenshot tools. But there are also many third-party screenshot tools available, and choosing the right one can be tricky. Here are some things to consider when choosing a screenshot tool:

-What do you need to take screenshots of? If you just need basic screenshots, the built-in tools may be enough. But if you need to take more complex or professional-looking screenshots, you’ll need a more powerful tool.

-How easy is the tool to use? Some screenshot tools are very straightforward, while others have more features that can be confusing. Choose a tool that’s easy for you to use so you don’t get frustrated when trying to take screenshots.

-How much does the tool cost? There are both free and paid screenshot tools available. Consider your budget and choose the tool that’s right for you.

How to take a screenshot on Mac

Assuming you want to know how to take a screenshot on a Mac, here are the built-in options:

To take a screenshot of the entire screen, press Command-Shift-3. To take a screenshot of a selected portion of the screen, press Command-Shift-4, then drag the crosshair pointer to select the area. To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc (Escape) key. To take a screenshot of a window, press Command-Shift-4, press the spacebar, then click a window. Or press Command-Control-Shift-3 or -4 instead to take a screenshot without saving it as a file.

If you see ‘Screen Capture’ in your Dock instead of Grab after pressing any of these shortcut combinations, you’re running an old version of macOS and should update it.

Tips for taking great screenshots

1. Use the built-in screenshot tools on your Mac.

2. Use a third-party screenshot tool like Snagit or Lightshot.

3. Use the Preview app to take screenshots and annotate them.

4. Use keyboard shortcuts to take different types of screenshots on your Mac.

5. Take advantage of features like screenshot previews, full-screen captures, and timer options.


Knowing how to take a screenshot on your Mac can come in handy for all sorts of different reasons. Whether you need to capture an error message, grab a photo from a website, or just save something for later, being able to quickly and easily take screenshots is always useful. We hope that our tips have helped you learn how to take screenshots on your Mac like a pro!

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